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Pictures taken by the following photographers: Melissa Doherty, Sue Nieuwoudt (Disorganized Chaos Photography), Roland Metcalfe, Warren Talmarkes, Diane Lilin, Michael Ellis, Willem Welsyn, Walter Cahn, Ezelle Louw, Alan ItsNotPhair, Kian Eriksen, Alberto Pepler, Liam Fagan (Sinforme Industries), Henry Stock, Relic Wessels, Francois de Villiers, Reinhardt Struwig, George Van Rhyn, Leon Lucas, Valkyrian Photography, JHB Photogaphy, JHB Live, Nomis Erudam, Jossie Ayame, Watkykjy, Marisca Forrer, Snake eyes photography, Lindsey Appolis, Linda Evermore,

Hart Shots Photography, James Blythe, Iggy Bester, C.A. van Reenen


Thanks for making us look so good and capturing the energy of our band.

Gigs 2014
Gigs 2013
Gigs 2012
Gigs 2011
Gigs 2015
Witchfest 2015
Gigs 2016
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