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MAR 2014

"To me it’s great to be able to jam twice a week with my 3 best friends, talking about sex, periods, moods and other girly things. With a guy in the band, it would just be awkward."



DEC 2013

Q: Any interesting stories you want to share with our readers about the live shows of JUNKYARD LIPSTICK?
Jacky: “In Johannesburg some guy asked Louise to go to France with him and kept insisting for her phone number. She called me to help I think (and I’m pretty sure!) I was completely useless. I've never sneezed on stage. That’s quite something.”



AUG 2013

Q: Famous last words? 

“I don’t make music for eyes, I make music for ears” – Adele

“It’s the size of your heart, not the length of your hair” – Suicidal Tendencies’ Join the Army



MAY 2013

Q: How did you all meet and come to form Junkyard Lipstick? I love the band's name? How did you come up with such a great band name?

A: Jacky: Well I was walking through a junkyard and this hobo walks up to me and he's like “Is this your lipstick?”. And I'm like “Ew wtf you poes, why would I want some junkyard lipstick” ...and ever since then. Well.


Q: Who were the bands/Musicians who had the greatest influence on you when you were growing up?

A: Louise: My brother forced me to recite Cannibal Corpse lyrics when I was 4 but I can’t say I enjoyed it much. I think at the time I would have rather been dancing to Michael Jackson. Going back to Cannibal Corpse only because I thought the lyrics were hilarious, it dawned on me what amazing musicians they are. And so my love for death metal was born.


Q: Do you remember what was the first album you ever bought and the influence it had on you?

A: Luci: The first ever album I got was from the Spice Girls, don’t remember the name but it’s clear that it never had an influence on me except for what not to do musically. LOL


Q: For people who have never heard of Junkyard Lipstick how would you describe the overall sound of the band?

A: Jacky: We sound like sex and marshmallows and fizzers being fed through a grinder to make the best mince you've ever heard.


Read more at: (Issue 29 May 2013 Page 26)  



MARCH 2013

Q: Which local and international bands inspire you?

A: Louise:Oh it keeps changing. Whatever’s on my playlist at the time I’ll be like “Oh my god! Best guitarist in the WORLD!”.


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Cool: (Laughs) Tell us a little about your influences. Was it female bands that inspired you? Or were you inspired by any bands within your genre?

Jacky: Eh. Me personally I’m inspired by any kind of music. Doesn’t really matter if it’s a guy or a chick making it. Haha I even like Trance and Death Core. And with that sentence I became the most hated person playing in the SA music scene ever.


Cool: When touring with four girls in a band, do the same sort of things happen when four guys in a band tour?

Luci: We haven’t toured yet but I bet our tour will be filled with fart jokes, endless teasing, offensive dissing (courtesy of Jacky) and loads of metal. Oh and Steel Panther, Tazz-O will enforce that upon us.


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Q: Where would we find you guys jamming most of the time:

A: Jacky: Our little storage room, cos we’re African…. and poor.


Q: What was your first “rockstar” moment?

A: Jacky: When I was born. That was Hardcore!


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Q:We know you are Hardcore Rockers but do you own pink Fluffy Slippers

A: Tanya: "I have the most awesome Hello Kitty collection! It would make your daughters turn green with envy. Hello Kitty everything!"


Q: Do any of you have any fears, such as flying or spiders?

A: Louise: "I sneeze a lot… like several times after each other. And sometimes I get an overwhelming fear that I’m actually never going to stop sneezing."


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Q: You've listed some great artists as your influences. If you could live a day in anyone else's shoes, who would you choose?

A: Jacky Roodt: Ellen DeGeneres, so I could stand in front of my mirror and quote Finding Nemo all day.


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